
Sunday 25 September 2016

Top seven Best Operating System

Microsoft Windows 7

  1. Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced... 
  2. Easy to install... Crash free... Fabulous Graphics Support for HQ Games.. And more... 
  3. Windows Vista is the worst OS from Microsoft...
  4. Very simple to install and better UI also best security.
Very good themes.Less virus detector... And fabulous display... Maximum features And many more


Windows 8

  • This is lovely,This is friendly,This is fastest,This is best
  • All at once it must be on top
  • Fastest Microsoft operating system yet. It has more security features and adds an extra twist and extra compatibility to Windows.
  • Windows 8 make it better than the previous versions of windows 0S and others are its modern and new features. 
  • Seems like windows give it a new taste and experience with user's perspective. More secure, reliable and tangible as well with its metro and touch interface. With its beta releases, the DP, CP and RP, grabs good comments.
  •  However, desktop users says this OS a no-no for desktop, instead tablet or other touch integrated pcs. For me, I like it way better for easy navigation of settings. Hope windows make this os compatible with older pcs.
  •  Cause some reports say that it will just successfully install with later pcs.
Windows 8 is now insecure. Upgrade to windows 8.1 which is about the same as this OS but with start button and additional features. I like Windows 8.1 over 7 because of performance and reliability 

Ubuntu is a mixture of Windows and Macintosh. Looks like mac but shortcut keys is similar to windows. Great work. I love it

They should sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed! 
I really like the OS, but the thing that so bad is that it uses java iced tea and not java sun 
But much better than windows Vista

It really rock me. Windows os gets nothing. Haha sorry to all windows users

Love windows 8 & 7 but ubuntu the most!

Windows 8.1
  • It is just awesome. It has the start button back, you can boot to the desktop, the start screen can be personalized in more ways with more tile sizes, group naming, more apps and more. The store has apps and a better look. Has a more "metro" control panel and more. IT IS GOT TO BE THE BEST OS FROM MICROSOFT
  • A great replacement for those who hate windows 8. It is sure to be a success as it has been seen in the past!, Its preview ain't that much but what is instore is awesome!
  • It's cool! Microsoft included a new way of personalizing, customizing and searching!.. It's free on the web!.. Try download it, and experience the "SMARTEST" version of OS that Microsoft have ever created!.. This is my favourite.

Windows XP Professional
  1. This is all time favorite.. None other than Windows XP
  2. Why though. It's from the early 2000's and was very virus prone, and quite low performance
  3. Hey it's Really good because it is easy to learn & install & also it fast than other OS
  4. Best hacker-friendly operating system out there. You may say windows 7 is better, but it is that windows 7 is a mix of XP and vista together. So after all, windows XP is best OS, windows related.

Windows XP will always be the best OS. It's easy to use, is great for older software and in general nostalgic and great. Windows 10 will never be as good as XP.

Linux Mint
  • Fast and secure, it has everything I want and everything anyone should really need. If you can't find it in mint, it probably doesn't exist.
  • Mint is a easy to use operating system based on linux, reliable and great for new users. Based on ubuntu, there is a lot of software available on it
  • Mint is faster than windows and it is secured by package system
  • I have original installer of Win7, and after I installed Linux Mint, I threw my Win7 and never used it anymore. Best OS so far, free of charge, many apps, easy to use, fast, virus free. Love it!D

  1. By far one of the easiest operating systems to learn for a complete beginner (although switching from windows has a slight learning curve). Ideal for the artist and everyday user, the Mac OS is a personal favourite. The fact that it's unix based makes it quite similar to linux with very similar terminal commands. The only downside to Mac OS is the small range of games and the high price of the Macintosh computer required to run Mac OS X
  2. Unfair to classify OSX as a single stand-alone OS and compare it to Windows as a long list of very different systems from 3.1 to whatever they're doing this week. OSX is a variant of Unix based on FreeBSD which is in turn based on BSD that predates MSDOS by a decade (~) by my recollection. Microsoft should join the rest of the world and help create a unified OS core such that each variant merely offers their own "flavoured" shell. Windows was nothing but a menu system for MSDOS. A Unified system would solve many of the problems of writing code for all computers to use.
  3. Yea the whole reason why macs never get viruses is because hackers don't see any profit in hacking a mac, even though macs arc is 64bit or higher currently pc's hold the market shares in the US, thus being hackers will see profit in hacking a pc and get more enjoyment out of it rather than trying to waste time on a mac, and wit a pc you can do a hell of a lot more than just a mac where you can only do graphic arts, music design, and so forth, and not even good enough to run games on it, oh yea another thing bout macs is that the os is pretty much locked and simplyfied where there's rly no probs with the mac osx and if there ever is any probs that the user experiences they always run to the apple store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue, when pc users can fix issues on their own and not have to run to the apple store for help. So yea I think the numerical order of os'es should remain the same currently
Why is this not higher? Literally may be the easiest os to operate and its very user friendly!


10 reasons to choose Ubuntu 12.10 over Windows 8

Friday 23 September 2016

                            TODAYS MY POST IS ABOUT


1.What is online examination?
Online examination is a new technique to conduct an examination through internet.

2.Why it has been popular? The formal examination system is a very long procedure to conduct an examination. From the respect of the recruiter, they should give extra effort on the examination to select employees for the organization. This is a huge responsibility and extra load to the recruiter to conduct an examination. This is very costly and extremely tedious to conduct an examination. Side by side online examination is a very sophisticated examination conducting system. Recruiter just sends a mail to the candidates for the post and it will be reached to the millions of register candidates of worldrelation.com. You can select deserving candidates for your organization from India and abroad by this system.

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Lot of companies is gladly taking this modern system to exemption form the tedious written examination system. Low cost, minimum effort, minimum employee deployment, saving time, instant result and conduct an examination India and abroad.

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  • GRE
  • The job hunt problem

    In this age of increased competition, companies and candidates face a common problem: Thousands of candidates apply for every job opening which can create a daunting situation.
    1. How can companies quickly identify talented candidates? Manually going through thousands of resumes or conducting interviews requires a lot of time and effort.
How can good candidates, highlight themselves to companies? Showing a college marksheet or a resume is not useful since companies can't really differentiate using these.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Apple iPad Air 2

The Apple iPad Air 2 comes with a slimmer and more powerful package and is definitely the most desirable tablet to buy today. It does command a premium, but what you get in return is the best tablet experience in terms of performance, App support and build quality. The Apple iPad Air 2 can be purchased in various storage capacities, offering optoions from 16GB to 128GB of storage.

HTC Nexus 9

HTC Nexus 9

The Nexus 9 is the best Android based tablet to buy. The all new Nexus 9 is designed by HTC and comes with a great design and set of specifications. Sporting a QHD display, the Nexus 9 runs on the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop update and is powered by an Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC. The Nexus 9 is recommended for buyers wanting the purest Android experience on a tablet with a guarantee of quick updates to the latest versions of Android OS.

Apple iPad Air

Apple iPad Air

The Apple iPad Air improves on literally all areas of the iPad- screen quality, performance, battery life, and most importantly its weight and dimensions

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

This is pretty much the fastest Android tablet out there, with an excellent display to spice things up further. S-Pen gets an enhanced ecosystem, and Samsung's plethora of features are all here

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Pro

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Pro

Lenovo has updated its Yoga Tablet series and has used the latest Intel Z3745 1.8GHz quad-core chip and also brighter and sharper 2560x1440 resolution display. The tablet comes with a built in Pico projector as well.

Asus Google Nexus 7 2013 WiFi 16GB

Asus Google Nexus 7 2013 WiFi 16GB

The 2nd gen Nexus 7 is our choice for the best 7-inch Android tablet to buy in India. Its pure Android UI is silky smooth, high resolution screen ensures a premium experience for browsing, gaming and video

Apple iPad mini retina

Apple iPad mini retina

The iPad Mini Retina is the best tablet to buy for anyone wanting a compact, light version of the iPad Air without compromising on the screen quality, performance and battery-life.